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Megan Blake, We Begin Now

The Pet Lifestyle Coach®
on Health & Petandim

A Natural Herbal Combination that Reduces Oxidative Stress by up to 40%

Hi Everybody,
It's Megan here. Instead of writing you a note at the end of this page,
I'm starting with a very personal story that came close to tragedy.
You all know Super Smiley travels with me sharing Kindness & many other super positive messages.
You may not know that last year, he was in a car accident that resulted in a spinal injury.
After 18 weeks of intense vet care and recovery, he was officially "recovered" and released.
But he was left like an "old dog." His smile was gone. He walked carefully and stayed home. He could no longer share his messages.
Bottom line, I searched for something to help. We found it.
ABC News investigated it. Veterinarians are researching & recommending it.
Smiley is taking it and bouncing around, chasing balls and smiling.
It's Petandim. I'm even taking the 'human version."
And I had to let you know.
What is it?
Petandim is a Natural Herbal Combination that Reduces Oxidative Stress by up to 40%.
Oxidative stress is associated with inflammation and numerous serious ailments and age-related diseases.

Veterinarian Alisan Parnes breaks it down in her interview with me on my Pet Life Radio podcast.
Listen now at
ABC investigated Protandim,
which is the human version of Petandim.
This formula was originally created for people.
I believe so much in what it's done for Smiley, I became a distributor.
You can order it here
or click the Let's Talk button to contact me with more questions.
Wishing you and your pets beautiful health together,
Megan and Super Smiley

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